1-2-3 Reversal - Python

#region Namespaces
# ---------- DON'T REMOVE OR EDIT THESE LINES -------------------
# These lines are required for integrating Python with our .NET platform.
import clr
import ScriptCode
from TradingStrategyAPI import *
from AssemblyTradingStrategy_6114_ImportedScripts import *
# ---------------------------------------------------------------

## <summary>
## Trading Strategy scripts are used for trading one symbol at a time such that each symbol gets its own strategy instance. 
## Common use-cases include momentum strategies, crossover strategies and overbought / oversold strategies, all of which need to evaluate only a single symbol at a time in order to make trading decisions.
## </summary>
class MyTradingStrategy(ScriptCode.TradingStrategyScriptBase):  # NEVER CHANGE THE CLASS NAME
    #region Variables
    # Variables Content

    #region OnInitialize
    ## <summary>
    ## This function is used for accepting the script parameters and for initializing the script prior to all other function calls.
    ## Once the script is assigned to a Desktop, its parameter values can be specified by the user and can be selected for optimization. 
    ## </summary>
    ## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ##                                 INSTRUCTIONS - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY
    ## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    ## (1) name: The exact parameter name.
    ## (2) type: The type of data to collect from the user: 
    ## Set to "Integer" when the data type is 'int'
    ## Set to "IntegerArray" when the data type is 'int[]'
    ## Set to "DateTime" when the data type is 'long' (The 'long' data type can only be used for date/time representation)
    ## Set to "DateTimeArray" when the data type is 'long[]' (The 'long' data type can only be used for date/time representation)
    ## Set to "Boolean" when the data type is 'bool'
    ## Set to "BooleanArray" when the data type is 'bool[]'
    ## Set to "Double" when the data type is 'double'
    ## Set to "DoubleArray" when the data type is 'double[]'
    ## Set to "String" when the data type is 'string'
    ## Set to "StringArray" when the data type is 'string[]'
    ## Set to "Indicator" when the data type is 'Indicator'
    ## Set to "Pattern" when the data type is 'Pattern'
    ## Set to "Signal" when the data type is 'Signal'
    ## Set to "Drawing" when the data type is 'Drawing'

    ## (3) default: The default parameter value is only valid when the type is Integer, Boolean, Double, String or an API Type. 
    ## (4) min: The minimum parameter value is only valid when the type is Integer or Double.
    ## (5) max: The maximum parameter value is only valid when the type is Integer or Double.

    ## EXAMPLE: <param name="" type="" default="" min="" max="">Enter the parameter description here.</param> 
    ### --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	## <param name="stochKPeriods" type="Integer" default="3" min="1">The number of periods to include in the fast K %.</param>
	## <param name="smoothPeriods" type="Integer" default="3" min="1">The number of periods to use for smoothing the fast K %.</param>
	## <param name="stochDPeriods" type="Integer" default="14" min="1">The number of periods to use for smoothing the slow K %.</param>
	## <param name="triggerLevel" type="Double" default="50">The value above which the underlying symbol is considered overbought and below which the underlying symbol is considered oversold.</param>
	## <param name="enableShorting" type="Boolean" default="True">Indicates whether to enable the trading strategy to short symbols. </param>
	## <param name="enableLonging" type="Boolean" default="True">Indicates whether to enable the trading strategy to long symbols. </param>
	## <param name="stopLoss" type="Double" default="0">The percent distance from the entry price in which to place a stop loss order. (0 to ignore). </param>
	## <param name="takeProfit" type="Double" default="0">The percent distance from the entry price in which to place a take profit order. (0 to ignore). </param>
    def OnInitialize(self,
		# Set the script parameters to script variables.
        self._triggerLevel = triggerLevel
        self._enableShorting = enableShorting
        self._enableLonging = enableLonging
        self._stopLoss = stopLoss
        self._takeProfit = takeProfit
		# Create the slow %K indicator.
        self._stochSK = IndicatorSTOSK(self, SymbolIndex(), stochKPeriods, smoothPeriods, self._triggerLevel, self._triggerLevel)
		# Create the slow %D indicator.
        self._stochSD = IndicatorSTOSD(self, SymbolIndex(), stochKPeriods, smoothPeriods, stochDPeriods, self._triggerLevel, self._triggerLevel)
		# Remove all of the indicators from the chart so that we don't get duplicates.
		# Plot the indicator on the underlying symbol's chart.
        stochKIndicatorID = ChartIndicatorPlot(SymbolIndex(), self._stochSK, "Slow %K", - 1, 2)
		# Set the indicator pen.
        ChartIndicatorSetPenByIndex(SymbolIndex(), stochKIndicatorID, 0, C_Color.YELLOW, C_DashStyle.SOLID, 2)
		# Plot the indicator on the underlying symbol's chart.
        stochDIndicatorID = ChartIndicatorPlot(SymbolIndex(), self._stochSD, "Slow %D", - 1, 2)
		# Set the indicator pen.
        ChartIndicatorSetPenByIndex(SymbolIndex(), stochDIndicatorID, 0, C_Color.ROYAL_BLUE, C_DashStyle.SOLID, 2)
        # Create a variable to hold whether a closing order has been fired but not yet filled.
        self._waitingToClose = False

    #region OnBarUpdate
    ## <summary>
    ## This function is called after each new bar of each symbol assigned to the Desktop strategy. 
    ## It should evaluate the specified symbol and its new bar in order to determine whether to generate new orders for it. 
    ## Never create indicators, signals or patterns from OnBarUpdate, for performance reasons those should be created from OnInitialize.
    ## </summary>
    ## <param name="symbolIndex" type="Integer">The index of the symbol in the strategy symbol table</param>
    ## <param name="dataSeries" type="Integer">The number indicating the data series from which the symbol was updated. 
    ## According to the Desktop strategy data series settings: 0 for the main data series, 1 for the second data series, etc. (See the DataSeriesSwitch function).</param>
    ## <param name="completedBars" type="Integer">The number of completed bars for the specified symbol since the last call to OnBarUpdate.
    ## Always 1 unless the bar type can generate multiple completed bars from a single tick/minute/day update (depending on the underlying bar source).</param>
    def OnBarUpdate(self, symbolIndex, dataSeries, completedBars):
		# Check whether the price has increased for the past two bars, the %K line is below the %D line, and the %K line is below the trigger level.
        if DataClose(2) < DataClose(1) and DataClose(1) < DataClose(0) and self._stochSK[0] < self._stochSD[0] and self._stochSK[0] < self._triggerLevel:
			# Check whether a short position exists and there is not already a pending order to buy-to-cover.
            if self._enableShorting and PositionExistsInDirection(C_PositionStatus.OPEN, C_Direction.SHORT_SIDE) and not self._waitingToClose:
				# Generate a buy-to-cover market order while assuming that a position sizing script will assign the quantity. 
                BrokerMarket(C_ActionType.BUY_TO_COVER, 0, C_TIF.GTC, "Oversold.")
				# Record that the strategy is waiting for the position to be closed.
                self._waitingToClose = True   
			# Check whether the strategy can go long and there is not already an open long position nor a pending buy order.
            if self._enableLonging and not PositionExistsInDirection(C_PositionStatus.OPEN, C_Direction.LONG_SIDE) and not OrderExists(C_Status.PENDING, C_ActionType.BUY):
				# Generate a buy market order while assuming that a position sizing script will assign the quantity. 
                orderIndex = BrokerMarket(C_ActionType.BUY, 0, C_TIF.GTC, "Oversold.")
				# Set a stop loss on the order. 
                BrokerSetStopLossPercent(orderIndex, self._stopLoss, True, "Stop loss reached.")
				# Set a take profit on the order. 
                BrokerSetTakeProfitPercent(orderIndex, self._takeProfit, True, "Target profit reached.")
		# Check whether the price has decreased for the past two bars, the %K line is above the %D line, and the %K line is above the trigger level.
        if DataClose(2) > DataClose(1) and DataClose(1) > DataClose(0) and self._stochSK[0] > self._stochSD[0] and self._stochSK[0] > self._triggerLevel:
			# Check whether a long position exists and there is not already a pending order to sell.
            if self._enableLonging and PositionExistsInDirection(C_PositionStatus.OPEN, C_Direction.LONG_SIDE) and not self._waitingToClose:
				# Generate a sell market order while assuming that a position sizing script will assign the quantity. 
                BrokerMarket(C_ActionType.SELL, 0, C_TIF.GTC, "Overbought.")
				# Record that the strategy is waiting for the position to be closed.
                self._waitingToClose = True
			# Check whether the strategy can go short and there is not already an open short position nor a pending sell short order.
            if self._enableShorting and not PositionExistsInDirection(C_PositionStatus.OPEN, C_Direction.SHORT_SIDE) and not OrderExists(C_Status.PENDING, C_ActionType.SELL_SHORT):
				# Generate a sell short market order while assuming that a position sizing script will assign the quantity. 
                orderIndex = BrokerMarket(C_ActionType.SELL_SHORT, 0, C_TIF.GTC, "Overbought.")
				# Set a stop loss on the order. 
                BrokerSetStopLossPercent(orderIndex, self._stopLoss, True, "Stop loss reached.")
				# Set a take profit on the order. 
                BrokerSetTakeProfitPercent(orderIndex, self._takeProfit, True, "Target profit reached.")

    #region OnOrderFillUpdate
    ## <summary>
    ## This function is called for each new order fill.
    ## </summary>
    ## <param name="symbolIndex" type="Integer">The symbol index</param>
    ## <param name="orderIndex" type="Integer">The order index</param>
    ## <param name="orderFillIndex" type="Integer">The order fill index</param>
    def OnOrderFillUpdate(self, symbolIndex, orderIndex, orderFillIndex):
        # OnOrderFillUpdate Content

    #region OnOrderUpdate
    ## <summary>
    ## This function is called when an order is executed or cancelled.
    ## </summary>
    ## <param name="symbolIndex" type="Integer">The symbol index</param>
    ## <param name="orderIndex" type="Integer">The order index</param>
    ## <param name="status" type="C_Status">The updated status of the order</param>
    def OnOrderUpdate(self, symbolIndex, orderIndex, status):
        # OnOrderUpdate Content

    #region OnPositionUpdate
    ## <summary>
    ## This function is called when a position is opened or closed. 
    ## </summary>
    ## <param name="symbolIndex" type="Integer">The symbol index</param>
    ## <param name="positionIndex" type="Integer">The position index</param>
    ## <param name="status" type="C_PositionStatus">The updated status of the position</param>
    def OnPositionUpdate(self, symbolIndex, positionIndex, status):
		# Check whether the position just closed.
        if status == C_PositionStatus.CLOSED:
			# Record that the strategy is no longer waiting for the position to be closed.
            self._waitingToClose = False

    #region OnSessionUpdate
    ## <summary>
    ## This function is called when a session is opened or closed.
    ## </summary>
    ## <param name="symbolIndex" type="Integer">The symbol index whose session is updated</param>
    ## <param name="status" type="C_SessionStatus">The session status</param>
    def OnSessionUpdate(self, symbolIndex, status):
        # OnSessionUpdate Content

    #region OnNewsUpdate
    ## <summary>
    ## This function is called when a news update is received and only if the NO_NEWS_UPDATES comment is removed.
    ## </summary>
    ## <param name="symbolIndex" type="Integer">The symbol index for the update</param>
    ## <param name="dateTime" type="DateTime">The date/time in which the update was received by the platform</param>
    ## <param name="title" type="String">The update title</param>
    ## <param name="message" type="String">The update message</param>   
    ## <param name="type" type="C_MessageType">The update message type</param>
    def OnNewsUpdate(self, symbolIndex, dateTime, title, message, type):
        # OnNewsUpdate Content
        # [NO_NEWS_UPDATES] - Delete this comment to enable news updates to this strategy.

    #region OnRSSUpdate
    ## <summary>
    ## This function is called when an RSS update is received and only if the NO_RSS_UPDATES comment is removed.
    ## </summary>
    ## <param name="symbolIndex" type="Integer">The symbol index for the update</param>
    ## <param name="dateTime" type="DateTime">The date/time in which the update was received by the platform</param>
    ## <param name="title" type="String">The update title</param>
    ## <param name="message" type="String">The update message</param>   
    ## <param name="type" type="C_MessageType">The message type</param>
    def OnRSSUpdate(self, symbolIndex, dateTime, title, message, type):
        # OnRSSUpdate Content
        # [NO_RSS_UPDATES] - Delete this comment to enable RSS updates to this strategy.

    #region OnAlertUpdate
    ## <summary>
    ## This function is called when an alert update is received and only if the NO_ALERT_UPDATES comment is removed.
    ## </summary>
    ## <param name="symbolIndex" type="Integer">The symbol index for the update</param>
    ## <param name="dateTime" type="DateTime">The date/time in which the update was received by the platform</param>
    ## <param name="message" type="String">The update message</param>   
    ## <param name="type" type="C_MessageType">The update message type</param>
    def OnAlertUpdate(self, symbolIndex, dateTime, message, type):
        # OnAlertUpdate Content
        # [NO_ALERT_UPDATES] - Delete this comment to enable alert updates to this strategy.

    #region OnJournalUpdate
    ## <summary>
    ## This function is called when a journal update is received and only if the NO_JOURNAL_UPDATES comment is removed.
    ## </summary>
    ## <param name="symbolIndex" type="Integer">The symbol index for the update</param>
    ## <param name="dateTime" type="DateTime">The date/time in which the update was received by the platform</param>
    ## <param name="title" type="String">The update title</param>
    ## <param name="message" type="String">The update message</param>   
    ## <param name="type" type="C_MessageType">The update message type</param>
    def OnJournalUpdate(self, symbolIndex, dateTime, title, message, type):
        # OnJournalUpdate Content
        # [NO_JOURNAL_UPDATES] - Delete this comment to enable journal updates to this strategy.

    #region OnDataConnectionUpdate
    ## <summary>
    ## This function is called when a data connection update is received and only if the NO_DATA_CONNECTION_UPDATES comment is removed.
    ## </summary>
    ## <param name="symbolIndex" type="Integer">The symbol index for the update</param>
    ## <param name="dateTime" type="DateTime">The date/time in which the update was received by the platform</param>
    ## <param name="message" type="String">The update message</param>   
    ## <param name="type" type="C_MessageType">The update message type</param>
    def OnDataConnectionUpdate(self, symbolIndex, dateTime, message, type):
        # OnDataConnectionUpdate Content
        # [NO_DATA_CONNECTION_UPDATES] - Delete this comment to enable data connection updates to this strategy.

    #region OnBrokerConnectionUpdate
    ## <summary>
    ## This function is called when a broker connection update is received and only if the NO_BROKER_CONNECTION_UPDATES comment is removed.
    ## </summary>
    ## <param name="dateTime" type="DateTime">The date/time in which the update was received by the platform</param>
    ## <param name="message" type="String">The update message</param>   
    ## <param name="type" type="C_MessageType">The update message type</param>
    def OnBrokerConnectionUpdate(self, dateTime, message, type):
        # OnBrokerConnectionUpdate Content
        # [NO_BROKER_CONNECTION_UPDATES] - Delete this comment to enable broker connection updates to this strategy.

    #region OnShutdown
    ## <summary>
    ## This function is called when the script is shutdown.
    ## </summary>
    def OnShutdown(self):
        # OnShutdown Content